Friday, June 15, 2018

Cosmic Time

She thought the abortion, euthanasia, pro-life, pro choice discussion was all too stupid. In the great scheme of things, death and life are all part of the same thing. All complex events altering long chains of carbon molecules along a timeline.                                                                                          

Longing for a life that would be was meaningless, because in cosmic time, each individual existence contributes a neglectable amount of energy into the whole universe. In the way she saw it, no matter the lifespan, the achievements, the impact in other lives, when compared to the 14 billions or so of the universe, they were all and the same practically zero. species can go extinct in the blink of an eye and something else takes its place while the universe and everything doesn't take notice.

The universe goes on expanding itself, stars exploding with all nuclear reactions, black holes swallowing everything, light might get distorted, black matter continues to fill the space, dark energy, and so many more mysteries won't cease to exist, whether  anyone is conscious of it or not.

Even what we call matter really doesn't matter when you consider the size of the universe that keeps expanding. a bunch of nothing that keeps expanding. It's like the absence of her children. Each day expanding and taking up space inside of her.

She is becoming this immense void of life, feelings, reason that somehow is still mutating, the void expanding. She is getting thinner, transparent. she looks at herself in the mirror and she almost can see through herself.

That's what we all are. Stardust specs, infinitely small representations of the whole universe devoid of individual meaning.